How can a test in operation by creating in PHP management system for in-house, Given the expansion of the functions such as commercial and in the future, More, by that Na do I need to be better maintainability and security aspects [...] Read more
How can a test in operation by creating in PHP management system for in-house, Given the expansion of the functions such as commercial and in the future, More, by that Na do I need to be better maintainability and security aspects [...] Read more
php.iniに下記を設定する。 さくらの場合はサーバーコントロールパネルの「php設定編集」で 設定をしてあげる。 [Date] ; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions date.timezone = Asia/Toky[...] Read more
仕事で使っているPCは、今はMac(iMac 27inch)です。 長年Windowsしか使ってこなかったので 最初は戸惑いましたが、やっぱり画面がキレイだし なれればほぼ問題ないですね。 いくつかW[...] Read more