Recently, when surfing at Shonan are going to have a soft board.
Initially, at least some people are using, despite the resistance a little care embarrassment, fun and easy and try to use, much is seem as I think we said in another Kore ^^
After all, is fun to ride in small waves Rakuchin because buoyancy! The sentence Dolphin through is a difficult (laughs)
World (USA, California) it It is like surge of popularity any time.
And fold it tried a little investigated.

table of contents
Soft board and is
In general, it is a surfboard that is often used in surf school and rental board for beginners. In English it seems to be referred to as a soft top (Soft-Top Surfboard).
Unlike full-fledged surfboard made is coated with a resin by cutting the normal form, it is made of soft material such as soft, the sponge-like body board.
The difference of a normal surfboard and soft board
Normal surfboard | For the competition (and referred to in the car super car, road bikes that that's bicycle more than 300,000, hardball wooden bat In terms of baseball), People who want to surf like a pro, For people who want to be good surfing |
Soft board | A tool to enjoy (and referred to in the car a go-kart, granny's specific that it is a bicycle, Rubber-metal bat it's baseball), People who want to pretend you are surfing (wry smile), For people who want to play a fun and safe |
Competitions and not the purpose of leaving the contest, play fun I thought it was recommended soft board if the purpose.
Of soft board advantages, disadvantages
merit |
Hardly broken (which may not have to worry about to carry) There is a buoyancy (smaller of the easy ride even with a weak wave → fun, made in practice) Relatively safe as a hit because it is a soft material Loose Cheap price |
Demerit |
Beginner-ish Fancy the often (recently has come out even the fashionable) Technique is difficult to do, it can not be neat turn, such as the shape board |
By the way, since the surface is what you are using is slippery, we use put a wax sheet instead of wax.
(Soft board be the same as the normal surfboard, because after all slippery Once in the water slip is required. It is overwhelming to a lot of people are using the wax, but to that melts in the summer, it is messy I had decided to wax sheet since put away.)
That's Ronsupu and bathing suit, only the painful rubbing when the sponge part of Hajikko are waves waiting but is dissatisfied point, I think I want to enjoy some time in the soft board.
[2018/6/1 postscript] soft (sponge) wax board also it has appeared!
[2017/8/16 postscript] first of softech5’8 JL DSS SIGNATURE SOFTBOARDBut he was riding on,Water Rampageのスペースフィッシュに一目ぼれして買ってしまいました♪しばらくこれになりそうです^^
[2018/6/1 postscript] noticed try using a space fish of water run the page, the point you want to improve only one.
Since the fin plug (the part that refers to a fin) is a thing of just opened the direct hole in the board, with or have distorted the shape of the hole a little, or not need a deep fins properly, the mood is Toka angle of the screw because or ^^ ;,
Softech I wanted to put a dedicated fin plug as shown in (laughs)
But, for a while I wonder if patience because the form Toka is a favorite.

Whether or not there is any brand
CATCH SURF (catch surf)
Legend who invented a body board, revolutionary soft surfboard by Tom Morley (Tom Morey)
SOFTECH (ソフテック)
High-performance sponge board in Australia to the fashionable!
WATER RAMPAGE (water run page)
Without being subject to fashion and brand, the life style of the sea no one has been developed in order to enjoy the casual "WATER RAMPAGE"
Japan one of the best surfboard factory "MASTER WORKS"And of the body board shaperNakatsugawa Yinが長年のボード作りの経験に基づき”海でたのしむための道具”をコンセプトに考えたモデルは、シーズンを問わず使用する事が出来るレジャーボード。ソフトな素材を用いたボードやフィンは、誰もが安心して楽しく遊ぶことができる。
88 Surfboards (Eighty Eight surfboard)
Australia Byron Bay birthplace of soft board brand. Brand to pursue the joy in simple.
JJF by Pyzel
[2021/6/25 postscript] A soft board has also been released from that Paisel! I want this! !!
A collaboration project between John John Florence (top surfer) and John Paisel (shaper). A durable, ecologically produced softboard based on the North Shore of Hawaii.
[2018/6/1 postscript]CJ Nelson DesignYa Modom surf Etc. and fashionable soft board,Mick Fanning soft boardSuch as high performance, such as, various kinds of soft board I have raised in one after another in appearance!
Featured in magazine
[2017/8/16 postscript]
Even in the surf magazine called 2017 September issue of SURFIN'LIFE, I had been planning that professional surfers ride to various soft board in Niijima!
"Pleasant midsummer of Niijima surf trip only soft board"
Likely it has been becoming increasingly popular feeling.
[2018/6/1 postscript] I was a featured page also No. 5 May 2018.
"Soft board forefront of enthusiasm is followed by" →Part of the article
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